Aktuelles Veranstaltungen Personal Koreanistik Seminar
Xin Xue Yuan Han Zhu

1. Name of the department, full address, telephone number

Universität Tübingen
Seminar für Sinologie und Koreanistik
- Abteilung Sinologie -
Wilhelmstraße 133
D-72074 Tübingen

Tel.: (49) 7071 - 29 - 72711
Fax: (49) 7071 - 29 - 5733

2. General information about the department and its study programme

The Chinese Department (Sinological Institute) is a section of the Faculty of Cultural Studies. It comprises two professorships, one covering the field of Chinese history and society, the other the field of Chinese language and literature.

There are four different courses:

  1. Combined Classical and Modern Chinese Studies (major course)
  2. Modern Chinese Studies (minor course)
  3. Economics and Modern Chinese (special course)
  4. Classical Chinese Studies (minor course)

For courses 1-3, the first part is identical. It commences with an intensive propaedeutical course in modern Chinese (5 months) and continues over another four semesters to the compulsory intermediate examination. Most students enrolled in courses I-III spend one or two years of language studies at a Chinese university before they enter the second part of their respective course at Tübingen University.

Academic degrees to be obtained are:

The M.A.- or Diploma-degree, respectively, is the precondition for postgraduate studies to obtain a Ph.D. degree.

At Tübingen University, Chinese Studies can be combined with:

Students enrolled:

Partner universities and institutions in China:

3. Library holdings

At present (1996) the holdings of the Tübingen Chinese Department libary comprise:

So far, the Tübingen Chinese Department library is a general library. In addition to a comprehensive development, it is planned to build up a special collection comprising Chinese language publications originating from and/or dealing with Sichuan province. The university library has additional holdings of (older and contemporary) Western language literature on China.

4. List of staff and their fields

(Details in German

5. Division of the academic year

The academic year starts on October 1. It is divided into two semesters: winter- and summer-semester. In the winter-semester, courses commence on October 15 and last until February 15; in the summer-semester, cources commence on April 15 and last until July 15.

Xin Xue Yuan Han Zhu
Aktuelles Veranstaltungen Personal Koreanistik Seminar